• Technology Integration Resources

    Bath Central School District currently maintains a number of complimentary systems to support technology (and critical skills) integration within the district.

    This year through a 3 year grant, the district was able to create and fill a Critical Skills Integration Specialist Position.  

    Critical Skills Integration Specialist - Bryan Wolfe
    Monday - HHS
    Tuesday & Wednesday - DLL MS
    Thursday & Friday - VEW Primary

    Each building also has a Building Technology Mentor to support technology integration.  These folks assume additional responsibilities on top of their instructional responsibilities.  

    VEW Primary Building Technology Mentor - Joe Brown
    VEW Tech Mentor Survey

    DLL Middle School Building Technology Mentor -  Chris Pragle
    Office Hours:  7:30-8:00 AM Monday - Friday, 2:15-2:45 PM Wednesdays
    DLL Tech Mentor Survey

    Haverling High School Building Technology Mentor - Josh Sobilo
    Office Hours:  7:30-8:15 AM, 2:15-3:00 PM Monday - Friday
    HHS Tech Mentor Survey

    Please take advantage of these resources and reach out to them as needed.