• Welcome to the Dana Lyon Middle School Counselor's Web Page!!!

    The counselors at Dana Lyon Middle School assist more than 550 students in a variety of ways. We are certified school counselors who work closely with students, teachers, parents, and administrators on a daily basis. Our goal is to advocate and provide academic, career, and social/emotional support for all our students.

    Dana Lyon Middle School encompass grades 4th through 8th so the counselors will have the same students for all five of their middle school years. Mr. Ford works with students whose last names start with A - K and Mrs. Rice works with students whose last names start with L - Z.

    Mr. Matthew Ford (A-K)   Mrs. Danielle Rice (L-Z)
    607-776-3301 x. 1044   607-776-3301 x. 1045
    mford@bathcsd.org drice@bathcsd.org